Defenders of Life: Children Bearing Children

Defenders of Life: Children Bearing Children


In the hills of Costa Rica, Doña Carmen struggles to pass on her tribe’s traditional ways of life. According to custom, she must soon marry off her only granddaughter, and 70 year-old shaman Don Claudio lays his claim to the girl, who is only 12 and already pregnant. But when the girl befriends the son of a visiting anthropologist it forces a collision between the modern world and the ancient one.

Genre: Drama
Director: Dana Ziyasheva
Starring: Carmen Romero Palacios, Arman Darbo, Eylin Esther Jimenez Gonzales, Beatriz Brenes, Francisco Rodriguez Atencio, Kattia Palacio Palacios
Language: Spanish and English
Country: Costa Rica, France

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