

Synopsis: “Intimacies” is a comedic and romantic film of seven interrelated love stories where the couples in love give the viewer an insight into their intimate private lives at the moment when they are solving specific problems typical for their age and personalities. A teenage couple experiences first romantic love; young artists try to cope with success intervening with their private lives; self-destructive bohemian guy meets religious pure person; cheating husband has to make fateful decision; lazy cynic unexpectedly falls in love; self-centered elderly people with an unsuccessful past try to have a better future together; love also intervenes in the life of a high-end call girl.
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: Ivo Macharácek
Starring: Zlata Adamovská, Petr Štěpánek, Kristýna Leichtová, Tomáš Klus, Jitka Ježková, Ondřej Vetchý
Language: Czech
Country: Czech Republic

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