Last Man Club
Synopsis: “Last Man Club” is a heartwarming, road trip adventure of four military veterans facing their later years. Stuck in a VA Hospital, Pete (Barry Corbin) asks a kind nurse to track down Eagle (Jim Mackrell), the Captain of his B-17 crew during World War II. Housebound at his son’s (Michael Massee) and facing the purgatory of a nursing home, Eagle gets a letter from Pete and embarks on a cross-country trip to reach him. His plan? Get the rest of their B-17 crew and complete one final mission! As his journey begins, Eagle encounters Romy (Kate French), a beautiful spunky woman on the run from a gangster. With Romy at the wheel, they track down Will (Morgan Sheppard), a war hero living in a broken down trailer — and then discover their bombardier, Grady (Richard Riehle) at a rest home. With the police, the mob and the FBI now all chasing them, it’s a race to fulfill what might be their last great adventure!
Genre: Drama, Family
Director: Bo Brinkman
Starring: James MacKrell, Kate French, W. Morgan Sheppard, Michael Massee, Barry Corbin, Richard Riehle, Jason Douglas, Blaze Tucker, Corbett Tuck, Gianni Capaldi, Jake Busey, William McNamara, Amy K Raymond, Steve Wilder, Michael Madsen, Rhea Bailey
Language: English
Country: United States
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
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