Since ’45
Synopsis: Remastered for a new generation of viewers, this classic, Student Academy Award-winning short documentary was first screened in 1979, and has lost none of its relevance or power. As a student at Boston University at the time, director Michael David Korolenko chose one of the most heavy subject matters possible, diving into the mass media and its impact upon society. What he found was shocking, as he documented not just the ways that the media covers the news, but also showing how in many cases it is the media that drives the news itself. In an age of information saturation, “Since ‘45” is more relevant than ever, and is sure to remain an influential favorite for years to come.
Genre: Documentary, Short Film
Director: Michael David Korolenko
Starring: Michael David Korolenko, Isaac Asimov, Gilda Radner, Charles Rangel
Language: English
Country: United States
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