The Golden Age
Synopsis: The year is May 1967. Sebastian, a penniless French-American producer living in Los Angeles, follows his mother’s footsteps and returns to France to flee the Vietnam War. There he meets Angèle, an ambitious theatre actress, who performs in small Parisian theaters in front of empty seats.
They are both desperate to change the world and decide to embark on an artistic project together, ending up in a little village in the South of France: Saint-Tropez… In this village tinged with artistic revolution and music, the experiences they have together will soon force them to face up to their life choices. But how far are they willing to go to change a world that doesn’t work for them?
Genre: Drama, Romance, Historical
Director: Jenna Suru
Starring: Jenna Suru, Sebastien Cipolla, Danny Steele, Awbrey Madison
Language: French and English
Country: France
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
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